Voltz Wiki

This contains further information on our blocking policy of vandalism. Vandalism on Voltz Wiki is defined as any edits made in a deliberate attempt to lower the quality of Voltz.

PLEASE NOTE: The length of the ban is up to the discretion of the blocking staff member. Also the warning is only a guideline for all cases and as a result this too will be left to the discretion of the blocking staff member.

ALSO NOTE: Banning and blocking both refer to the same thing.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Replacing the text of an article or a section of an article with blank text. This will be classed as blanking and can be seen on our blocking policy.
  • Uploading inappropriate images, or replacing existing images with inappropriate images.
  • Adding nonsense, obscenities, or bad jokes to existing articles.
  • Creating new articles which are entirely off-topic nonsense.
  • Moving a page to a new, nonsensical title.
  • Adding external links to pages for the purpose of advertising. This will be classed as spam and can be seen on our blocking policy.

An editor who vandalizes the wiki will be blocked from making further edits, according to our blocking policy.

Any good-faith attempt to improve Voltz Wiki, even if it is misguided will not be considered vandalism unless occurs repetitively. This may include:

  • Adding information to Voltz Wiki from unreliable sources (this is assuming that the editor responsible is not aware that the sources are unreliable).
  • Adding information which may or may not be correct or does not quite follow the usage of American English or English English grammar and spelling.
  • Removing information which the editor believes to be incorrect by in fact is not.